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-Source TOI Most Used 2015 and 2016 Programming 
Most Used 2015 and 2016 Programming Languages .It's Latest news which language is going Hot and Which one are going cool.. 

Mar 2016Mar 2015ChangeProgramming LanguageRatingsChange
79changeVisual Basic .NET2.561%+0.24%
1113changeDelphi/Object Pascal2.005%+0.85%
1228changeAssembly language1.847%+1.23%
1310changeVisual Basic1.674%-0.28%

Cos Look For Diversity In Tech Talent
If you have so me of the new-age tech skills, not only are you likely to be hired much faster, you could also earn much better salaries.Terms like R, Julia, Hadoop, Scrum Master and De vOps may sound alien to most people, but these are so me of the hot skills that com panies are looking for. A yo ungster who has learnt R, a popular programming lang uage used for statistical com puting to derive insights from data, gets an average salary of Rs 8 lakh, accor ding to data from Simplile arn, an online education provider of professional certification training.
A mobile app developer or a Hadoop developer (Ha doop is a programming framework that supports the processing of large amounts of data in a widely distribu ted computing environ ment) can also get a similar salary . Age is not a factor he re, it just depends on whet her you have picked up the skills. In comparison, the av erage salary for a regular fresher in an IT company is Rs 3.5 lakh.
These skills reflect the big shifts in the kind of soft ware being used inside large firms today , thanks to the dramatic increase in mobile devices, the humongous in crease in digital data, the ne ed to analyze this data, and the phenomenon called clo ud computing -use of re mote servers hosted on the internet to store, manage and process data, rather than a local server or a perso nal computer. Added to this is the emergence of what is called the internet-of-things -the trend to get everyday objects, be it a toaster, fridge, light fitting or an industrial machine, to communicate their status with remote computers or smartphones or even with one another.
“These are deep technology shifts changing the game for businesses. Five years ago, Java, C++ were sought-after skills, but IT companies are today looking at diversity in their tech talent pool to improve business conversation with their customers,“ said Kashyap Da lal, chief product officer in Bengaluru-based Simplilearn.
Sachin Gupta, co-founder of online programming platform HackerEarth, said R provides a very good way to quickly prototype and visualize data. “Its powerful libraries in statistics and mathematics give a lot of power to data scientists to quickly manipulate data. Julia, which started as a scientific computing language, is gaining traction in the data sciences domain. Python, a pro gramming language for data sciences, continues to be the language of choice after R because of its versatility,“ he said.

Dalal said that a Hadoop skill set will get a developer 25% higher compensation compared to just having a Java skill set. An iOS developer can expect way higher salaries than an Android developer, partly because such skills are in short circulation. Gupta's data showed than an iOS developer with 2-4 years of experience gets paid between Rs 12.5 lakh and Rs 25 lakh, while an Android developer with similar experience gets paid Rs 15 lakh to Rs 18 lakh.
Gupta said there's a lot of demand for full-stack developers, the supercoders who understand database programming, has knowledge of HTML, CSS (which describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen) and JavaScript and have experience in cloud deployment solutions like AWS.
                                                                                                by:-Manthan Patel
