Cisco Router Layer

Cisco divided router into 3-Layers

  1. Access Layer Router.
  2. Distribution Layer Router.
  3. Core Layer Router.

  • Access Layer Router.

·        Used by small oraganization.
·        Know as a Desktop or company layer router
  • Enable MAC address filtering: It is possible to program a switch to allow only certain systems to access the connected LANs.
  • Create separate collision domains: A switch can create separate collision domains for each connected node to improve performance.
  • Share bandwidth: You can allow the same network connection to handle all data.
  • Handle switch bandwidth: You can move data from one network to another to perform load balancing.

  • Distribution Layer Router.

Used In ISP(Internet Service Provider).
Know as a ISP Layer Router.
  • Packet filtering (firewalling): Processes packets and regulates the transmission of packets based on its source and destination information to create network borders.
  • QoS: The router or layer 3 switches can read packets and prioritize delivery, based on policies you set.
  • Access Layer Aggregation Point: The layer serves the aggregation point for the desktop layer switches.
  • Control Broadcast and Multicast: The layer serves as the boundary for broadcast and multicast domains.
  • Application Gateways: The layer allows you to create protocol gateways to and from different network architectures.
  • The distribution layer also performs queuing and provides packet manipulation of the network traffic.

  • Core Layer Router.

Used In ISP to ISP level communication.
Used in Globel ISP.
Know as a Backbone Router.
At the core layer, efficiency is the key term. Fewer and faster systems create a more efficient backbone. There are various equipments available for the core layer. Examples of core layer Cisco equipment include:
  •  Cisco switches such as 7000, 7200, 7500, and 12000 (for WAN use)
  •  Catalyst switches such as 6000, 5000, and 4000 (for LAN use)
  •  T-1 and E-1 lines, Frame relay connections, ATM networks, Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS)
